
An ocean away... she still grinds my gears

I have not written in my blog for more than eight months. With the election of Barack Obama, I no longer felt the intense anger that precipitated my need to blog. And yet, many months later, I find that Sarah Palin can, once again, drive me to the blogosphere.

It seems that Governor Palin is resigning her post, what many claim is a sure sign that she will seek the 2012 nomination. Less than one year after the election, Palin has already begun her campaign. As of last November, I thought she had run out of ways to disgust me. Her self-righteous attitude, affection for conflict, self-commodification, daughter-commodification, inability to think critically, etc etc etc were all impressively-negative qualities. But her desire to start a presidential campaign more than three years early, adds yet another deplorable quality. Who needs experience governing? After all, if you can't take the heat of running a campaign and the all-important state of Alaska, that's clear enough evidence for me of your ability to be the leader of the free world.