
Just in case you all didn't notice the headline, the general that McCain worships, General Petraeus, has come out publicly saying,
"This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... it's not war with a simple slogan." He also mentioned that the US still faces a "long struggle."

I bring this up because McCain belittles the democrats and specifically Obama for failing to talk about "victory" in Iraq. At the same time, he constantly mentions general petraeus as a trusted advisor. But it seems Petraeus agrees with Obama that this is not a situation where terms like "victory" are appropriate. I think McCain is taking advantage of mid-western pride in country and using the word victory to gain voters when he knows that "victory" in the traditional sense is impossible in the situation. If he doesn't realize this, maybe he isn't fit to be commander in chief.

See BBC for the article.

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